The armor goes down to his knees, clutching his crotch, then asks the camera, " Why did that hurt me?" In Hotel Transylvania, Quasimodo kicks an animated suit of armor in the crotch in an effort to avoid capture.

Arnold hits one guard in the foot while Gerald slams his weapon right in the other's family jewels.
Roddy fails a jump and in his fall he suffers a series of groin attacks, including hitting a hammer, a shoe, a steel tube, among other things, he finally hits the ground, stands up, and a stray ball hits him again.Gru attempts one on Bratt during their dance fight, but the latter manages to evade it.During her One-Woman Army assault on the group of people she thought were hurting her Edith and Agnes, Lucy does this to one of the men with a foosball table.He is understandably angry and tells the pig "that's my private part". In Despicable Me 2, when Gru tried to get Antonio away from Margo, Antonio retorted by kicking Gru's "most sensitive part".You can hear Gru grunt in pain and putting his hands over his groin. In an attempt to infiltrate Vector's house, Gru gets attacked by one of his booby traps, which was a machine with a boxing glove that hits him in the groin. The first film manages to sneak this in.In The Big Bang (1987) when a team of mutants play soccer, at one point a rival team member kicks his opponent in the groin causing his testicles to fly out of his mouth, they then land in the goalie's hand where he smashes them in disgust.This is how Beavis And Butthead Do The Universe kicks off - Butt-Head convinces Beavis to stand in front of the "Powerkick 3000", which he cranks up and launches at the other, sending him flying over the science fair in the gym, his high-pitched squeal in pain causing things to break, setting the entire building on fire.Freeze: SubZero during her introduction in the film fighting off some thugs that were attacking a woman in the park, Batgirl kicks one of them in the groin, leaving him aching in pain as he falls to the ground. Maybe it's Crotch-Guided Karma for his regular atrocities against humanity. This happens to The Joker both while fighting the Phantasm in Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and again in Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Leonardo kicks Ra's al Ghul between the legs while the villain is monologuing at the seemingly vanquished turtle. Dracula, Vicki Vale knees Oswald Cobblepot AKA the Penguin between the legs after he tried to apprehend her.